About us

Smile makes you happy 😁

Our team

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

Today is a special day in so many ways. We feel exceptionally blessed and fortunate to be able to share today with all of you. An extra special word of welcome must go to all our friends, family and generous guests who have traveled far and wide to share today with us - we literally appreciate you going the "extra mile".

Speaking of miles, we have all come a long way together. Some of you have been around and part of our Nepali family/community/society/group for a long time, while others may have only been welcomed more recently.

However, we are without a doubt, especially grateful that you are all here today sharing in this special occasion as we celebrate. Our hope is that you will enjoy the day with us, that we will strengthen the bonds and fellowship that binds us all together.

May we all take the opportunity to re-affirm and confirm how lucky we are to be amongst each other, next to each other and part of each other's lives.

Long may our friendship and fellowship continue.

Thank You

Tilak Thapa

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